C. elegans meiotic nuclei undergoing synaptonemal complex disassembly in late meiotic prophase. DNA is blue, synaptonemal complex component, SYP-1, is red and recombination protein, ZHP-3, is green.
Bhalla Antibody Database
Worm Viability Assay
Worm Viability Spreadsheet
Worm Genomic Prep
Trizol Extraction of RNA
Ethanol Precipitation
Worm Lysate Prep & Western Blot Analysis
Western Blot of Germline Proteins
HeLa Cell Immunostaining
10Beta Competent Cell Prep
PCR from Worm Lysate
PCR from Genomic Prep
Live Imaging/Embryo Microscopy
coCRISPR RNP Mix Assembly
Bacterial Transformation (10Beta)
Feeding RNAi
Scoring Apoptosis
Freezing Worms
Bleaching Worms